NewCold BV

Dutch company, an integrated service provider for cold chain logistics.


Construction of the most modern and biggest cold store in the region of Central

and Eastern Europe. Total value of the project: EUR 50’000’000.


Schraner AG

Swiss company specializing in precision matrix forging.


Construction of a precision forging plant finding

the financing including EU grants and for management of the project from greenfield

to its operational beginning, supervising of the plant construction and handling

all administrative aspects of the project. Total value of the project: EUR 8’000’000.


Alcatel-Lucent S.A.


Launching of new high tech products in CEE. I developed marketing strategy, client network and assured relationships with the decision makers.

The sales total value: EUR 4’000’000.


Stryker Corp.

American world's leading medical technology company, USA.


Business research and business development in 8 countries

of CEE. I elaborated a strategy for business development corresponding

to the corporate concept, organized professional conferences for professionals

in different European countries, created long term business relationships with strategic

partners leading to profitable contracts. The sales total value: EUR 20’000’000.


Commercial projects:

Hanson & Mohring (Sweden), Calida (Switzerland) and Magistra S.A. (Switzerland).